A spotting tool for portable amateur radio adventures
Spots from portable amateur radio activities such as POTA, SOTA & WWFF are displayed on the map. Click a marker to view details such as activator, park/summit code, distance and how old the spot is. Older spots appear faded out. When a location has multiple spots, click the marker to expand out the set of spots.
The button allows you to filter spots by program, mode and band.
The button allows you to configure display settings and extra features.
The button allows you to configure update rates and view API status.
The button takes the spots currently on the map and shows where they are on the bands as well.
You can install Field Spotter on your device! This is a Progressive Web App (PWA), which means you can add it to your home screen by clicking the button below. An
internet connection is still required to retrieve the latest data.
Field Spotter is a Progressive Web App, which means you can install it on an Android or iOS device by opening this site in Chrome or Safari respectively, and returning to this information panel.
This website collects no data about you. If you share your location, callsign etc., the information stays on your device. There are no trackers and no cookies.
Show spots in these programs:
Show spots in these modes:
Show spots in these bands:
POTA API Status:
SOTA API Status:
WWFF API Status:
GMA API Status:
Last updated at